Monday, November 16, 2009

Back to Blogging

Well we, as you could imagine, hit the ground running.  Let's see we landed in Michigan from Zurich on August 4 and we haven't stopped yet.  Things are starting to slow down a bit. Thank God. Let's see if I can recap all that's happened for all of my new European and abroad friends:

(Hold on to your hat) We moved into our temporary home, took a nap (quick one).  Got up and started looking for permanent quarters.  House hunt was a blur, since I was still jet lagging terribly.  Signed the girls up for school, found football teams for Chyle and Isaiah, acting school for JJ and a private basketball coach for Aaron.  I went to the Women's Summit at our church (so wonderful to be back). Gerald had meetings with his new boss to learn of his new assignments.   Oh and we got a new beautiful daughter.  Gabrielle, our god-daughter has come to live with us.  We are pursuing the adoption option.  Please pray for us as we proceed.  I can't forget Esther (our black lab).  I found a walking path for us and she quite enjoys it, except there are no hills and few dogs.

Three months later:  Moved into a beautiful home.  Chyle & Isaiah have finished football.  Aaron's basketball league is ending. Jeremiah and Gabrielle have parts in a major film.  Starring Danny Glover and Nia Long. Liz and Moriah just got their grades and they are doing really fantastic (even meeting friends, which can be difficult coming into at 11th and 12th grade).  Gerald is settling quite well into his new position.  Home every evening (what a blessing).  I am finally back on the worship team at church.  Just found out today that there is actually a dog park near where we live.  Esther will be elated to meet some friends.

I have to say, I am happy to be back home but I miss Switzerland.   I miss the mountains, my quiet time (did I mention I'm homeschooling five of my kids).  I miss tea time and lunch with friends.  I miss my church family and the public transportation system (I have to drive everywhere, all the time).  

Thank God I get to visit in a few weeks.  One Night With the King, evening of worship. This year's theme will be "Anointing the King". I'm so honored to be asked to come back.  This will be December 13th at Path of Life in Oerlikon.  I have two concerts in Schaffhausen on Dec 20 and Dec 23.  I hope to see some old and new faces as we celebrate and worship together.

As we approach Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for. We will celebrate with family at our home this year.  I'm looking forward to just praising God together for all his blessings.

Thanks for reading!

Serving the Kingdom Through Praise & Worship!


  1. Welcome back to blogging...John and I pray that your transition continues to be smooth and that all that God has for your hands to do will be coupled with grace and provision.

    Love ya`

  2. Oh I'm so glad that you're back to blogging. I must say, I do miss the Switzerland stories but I'm looking forward to the new ones coming out of Michigan as well.

    I'll get your prayer list out to the prayer leaders asap. Love you dearly!

  3. Okay so what's up with the blog? I know you have tons of time to write (haha). I guess I'll have to check Facebook more often - boohoo. :-)
